Tuesday 6 December 2011

Oh wow...

http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/nov/27/apple-television-steve-jobs Apple are looking to create a new product... a television that when you shout at it... it responds?! Personally, this doesn't sound so great in my house... swearing at the telly while the football's on and maybe the tv will follow the commands and turn off... or maybe, it will just walk out of the house.  Maybe not.  But who knows!

Anyways, if Apple were to succeed with these plans the tv market could go crazy in an attempt to compete, lets face it, every other market it's in at the moment is succeeding or becoming more successful by the day, Sharp is likely to manufacture it after working with Apple to create better screens for the new gen of Apple products! But, there may not be reason to fear for the other TV companies, as Apple's last attempt to make money from the TV market was a slight failure (in comparison to other products!) 'Apple TV, introduced in 2007, is a box that can store video and connect the TV to the internet or to the laptop to view photos. However, its latest model is thought to have sold no more than 2m units, compared to 40m iPads since March 2010.'

It has been suggested that the TV's would use LCD screens, which seems a strange choice for the technologically advanced company with LED screens and even 3D TV's becoming the best choice for quality picture.  However, this is unconfirmed by Apple.

It is likely that this move is also to attempt to be at a level, or ahead of the Korean company Samsung, who's TV's already have internet access built in and whose phones are also beginning to threaten Apple's success! Samsung is clearly a major competitor for the giant American company, because there are a reported '20 court cases around the world' over patents.

If the plans do go ahead, it will be very interesting to see its success, is the TV market ready for Apple, will people think it is going a little far? Only time will tell. 

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