Thursday 8 December 2011

Giving fans a 'taster' before the big thing!

I mentioned recently that Apple were rumoured to be entering the TV market, which seems risky, especially with the idea of an LCD screen.  It seems that Apple may be a bit weary of the decision too... or trying to maximise profits.  Apple have been reported to be releasing an iMac with inbuilt Apple Tv with the same technology that the telly will have- access to the internet and of course iCloud as well as streaming films.

It is unclear whether this is to gently bring people round to the idea of Apple TV rumoured to be name iTV... not sure if they'll get away with that one though.  Or, it may simply be tell the new generation of iMac's apart from the rest.  Or of course to charge more and make more money.  

But, whatever their reason, we will have to wait and see what happens.  The new iMac's are expected to be released in the first half of 2012 (not so far away!), with the iTV's expected to be ready for the peak season of Christmas 2012... I'm not even ready for this Christmas but Apple are clearly well organised!

I am sure that Apple's fan base will love the idea and the thought of adding a new product to their collection, but for me, I'd rather a lovely big top of the range Samsung LED TV which can also connect to wi-fi, not an out of date, lacking quality LCD screen.  Apple are taking a risk in this market, they have catching up to do- they are not the first to do the whole internet-on-a-TV thing, but the iCloud idea may well give them the edge!

We'll just have to wait and see...

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