Thursday 8 December 2011


From looking at the vast number of stories on Apple it is clear to see that they are a highly successful, innovative company that strive to be the best.  But they are not flawless; there have been problems with both the iPhone 4 and 4s when they were first released, but this does not seem to have affected them.  In such a competitive World, it is appearing as though Apple are monopolising the technology markets, from TV’s to computers, to phones.  It may be seen as unfair for a company to be making so much money out of a ‘fashion,’ but then they did create that fashion, should competitors be given more of a chance to catch up, it seems as though Apple are bringing out a new product every few months and giving nobody else the time to compete.

Granting this, it is still a business, they have made it successful and so we have no right to take that away from them, they are giving people what they want and there aren’t really any problems with the company; it deals with issues, even with old 1st gen iPods rapidly and effectively, its products (despite a few glitches) are reliable and they created a demand that there wasn’t before.

Apple has brought a home computer, to a palm computer in a cafĂ©, outside, in a restaurant, and so many more places.  They have helped the internet to achieve its purpose- it connects people wherever they are.  Apple has inspired others to continue with technology and develop it further so that we can seamlessly get in touch with people on the other side of the world, see them with FaceTime from our mobile phones… How could this possibly be bad?!


It’s not really Apple’s fault at all, but whenever we use the internet today we are tracked, our privacy is invaded.  Every time we use facebook on one of Apple’s products we are being monitored: what sites we use, when we use them, where we are and so much more.  Apple’s technology has allowed our information to be shared so widely, without us even thinking about it or considering it.  We are paying for these devices and in ways selling ourselves as well.  With apps from app stores, what we download is being recorded and looked at by someone, somewhere.  It has opened up a wider world for advertisers who can anonymously know what we are clicking on. 

These are all things that we hardly ever think about though, it isn’t openly advertised how we are watched while surfing the net on any piece of technology, but if we do it seems a much bigger, scarier World.

Overall though, Apple has brought us a lot and it is continuing to bring us more each day, we cannot deny their success.  I feel that despite these shocking thoughts, the World we live in today with the internet and Apple’s technologies is often a better one that brings people together and gives people more opportunities, like learning.  I cannot see Apple’s growth slowing down in the near future, but we must ask the question on how far can technology go? In a World where currently it appears that nothing is impossible, it is very strange to imagine not having a new iPhone out every year, no new technology… but surely one day, we will reach that point?

Now Microsoft are creeping up!

Windows' next OS, Windows 8, is planning to integrate a Windows App store, similar to that on the Apple Mac.  It is said that the future of the PC is beginning to look more and more like a smart phone and this certainly reflects that, and a question also posed is if Microsoft will join the rapidly growing tablet market, or if they will focus on their other markets.

The Microsoft App store will try to be more open and offer a wider range of apps in an attempt to better Apple, but the money made by app developers may be slightly less through the Windows store.  Windows 8 will offer app developers 70% of the revenue, the same as other major competitors Apple, google and Android, but only up until it reaches $25,000 where it will be increased to 80%.  It is said that around 75% of these developers have earned below this threshold, so although the offer seems generous in comparison to the competitors, it is clearly well thought-out.

The app store world is, like everything else, developing very rapidly and so far other competitors have done very well at entrance to this market, but is there room for one more success story? Microsoft have been a very successful company, but Apple are very different to them.  Microsoft has very much always, in my memory, been targeted as affordable, everyday computing, simple, for everyone.  Whereas Apple have very much placed themselves at the higher end of the market- higher prices, better quality, a luxury and it is uncertain whether this will ever change with Apple doing so well.  

In business it is so easy for reputations to fall, but very hard for them to rise.  Windows seem to have improved since their slight failure with Windows Vista, an OS that many people did not like and often opted to backdate if possible and use the older XP OS.  Windows 7 restored a lot of people's faith in them and this may be more greatly reflected in sales of the new Windows8 software.  

In general, I personally cannot see Microsoft becoming what Apple is, but this is not to say that the Windows 8 app store and OS will be unsuccessful, it still can be, but there will surely always be a preference for high quality, fashionable Apple?

Giving fans a 'taster' before the big thing!

I mentioned recently that Apple were rumoured to be entering the TV market, which seems risky, especially with the idea of an LCD screen.  It seems that Apple may be a bit weary of the decision too... or trying to maximise profits.  Apple have been reported to be releasing an iMac with inbuilt Apple Tv with the same technology that the telly will have- access to the internet and of course iCloud as well as streaming films.

It is unclear whether this is to gently bring people round to the idea of Apple TV rumoured to be name iTV... not sure if they'll get away with that one though.  Or, it may simply be tell the new generation of iMac's apart from the rest.  Or of course to charge more and make more money.  

But, whatever their reason, we will have to wait and see what happens.  The new iMac's are expected to be released in the first half of 2012 (not so far away!), with the iTV's expected to be ready for the peak season of Christmas 2012... I'm not even ready for this Christmas but Apple are clearly well organised!

I am sure that Apple's fan base will love the idea and the thought of adding a new product to their collection, but for me, I'd rather a lovely big top of the range Samsung LED TV which can also connect to wi-fi, not an out of date, lacking quality LCD screen.  Apple are taking a risk in this market, they have catching up to do- they are not the first to do the whole internet-on-a-TV thing, but the iCloud idea may well give them the edge!

We'll just have to wait and see...

This article reveals today that there's a major competitor in yet another of Apple's successful market's!

The Amazon Kindle fire!

The Kindle fire seems to be stiff competition against Apple's iPad, which is using the Android system like that in the Samsung Galaxy S2 which is catching up with the iPhone.

The results from sales of the range of HP touchpads seem to demonstrate that there is a demand for affordable tablet computers, something that Apple is probably unlikely to compete with, but is this the only reason? Android is generally seeming a more affordable and rapidly developing OS that Apple in general is struggling to compete with.  They are attempting tactics to destroy the success with court cases around the World with Samsung due to their success with the Samsung Galaxy.  It is clear that Apple know there is something out there coming to steal their thunder!

it has been suggested that this new tablet will revolutionise the world of tablets, and pre-empt a lower priced market, making computing on the go even more accessible! Of course the low price does still come with some limitations in comparison to the iPad, no camera, poor sound and surprisingly no access to the Android market?! These are major flaws in the current model, but you have to start somewhere.

Technology in general is becoming more and more of an everyday item, and for some people, an essential.  It has made business so much easier- being able to contact a buyer in America for example over Skype on a 7 inch rectangular thing! It is a market that perhaps needs to generate and become more accessible to all.

However, the internet has opened up vulnerabilities in a virtual World.  There are worries about the OS on the Kindle fire being unsecure which is a potential major issue.

Although the speed that technology is moving at today it will not be long before it has caught up with Apple and is cheaper, and Apple know this.  But, the question is, will Apple grow faster, is it possible for the Amazon Kindle to catch up with such a fast paced, technologically advanced company? Maybe. But did we even know what half of these new add ons were before Apple created them- the app store. Who could have predicted that and gone ahead.  Apple are a very innovative company that are currently the market leader in almost every way, they make something, everybody else develops something similar.  It would be very hard for anybody to get ahead of Apple without some very innovative minds behind the companies.

This is perhaps why Apple do not seem too worried about the future with more affordable tablets, they have a brand.  A brand that is recognised globally as being high quality, top of the range and ahead of everyone else! Apple have the advantage of a huge customer base, Apple is a fashion and when we buy one Apple product, it seems that most people and stung and have to have it all!

When considering all the pro's and con's, it seems that Apple are likely to be ahead for some time yet, everybody is in competition with them in almost every technology market.  Apple have been so unbelievably successful over their years and they have the cash flow to invest in bigger (or smaller) and better things than everybody else.  People are willing to pay the price for a known brand, a fashion, a style, a reputation.  This is inevitably Apple's attack on their competitors' success!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Technology in a highly controversial World!
The previously mentioned famous new software of the Apple iPhone4s has been a topic of conversation in highly opinionated America... People in different states of America are getting different answers from Siri when the question is posed as to where people can get abortions.  In one state, Washington DC, users get sent to an anti-abortion religious 'crisis centre'; in New York: 'I didn't find any abortion clinics.'  Apparently, a computerised person cannot take part in sensitive debates... how disgraceful?! 'When Siri is asked "why are you anti-abortion?", she replies chirpily: "I just am!"' So sensitive isn't something a computer can do very well, what did we expect?! Perhaps today our world is too technologically advanced, we expect so much that nothing is ever that astonishing anymore? I'm afraid to say I am part of that generation- the one that has everything everyone else has none of- but I'm realistic, a human is always (I hope) going to be a better medium for discussion of sensitive, life changing decisions and topics.

However, the annoyance seems to be that Siri happily helps out with the tools for making said baby such as viagra and prostitutes.  It's also tuned in to the local drug dealers apparently- now that's a bit controversial!!!  Of course, there are people that are embracing Siri's anti-abortion view- the pro-life activists and such.  

I fear that this article merely highlights the power that technology has today, a computer's view is almost as shocking as a person's... Jeremy Clarkson for example which is also rather controversial.

The fact is, issues that are so life changing should not be dealt with by a computer with little knowledge about the users life, situation and feelings, should be allowed any influence on their life. Even deciding what abortion clinic to tell the user can have an effect on their life experiences.  This is the curse of the filter bubble, allowing us only to see what they want us to see, giving us a very limited view of the World.  The anti-abortion clinics that appear in Washington DC may pressure people into keeping babies they don't want because of a fear of what other people may think.  One user may want to be talked out of abortion, but another may not.  How can a computer decide what we see that influences the rest of our life?  Perhaps both results should be shown, we should not be guided in our lives by the 'general belief' but it is very scary that this is what happens when we use technology and the internet everyday!

Apple vs Blackberry!

As suspected, Blackberry issues earlier this year seem to have affected sales.

Blackberry are expecting lower than expected profits after blackberry services went down earlier in the year, at a similar time to the new iPhone4s release.  BB are hoping that the PlayBook, a competitor of the highly successful iPad will save their skin and bring in the missing profit.  So far however the PlayBook hasn't taken off and only '150,000 were shipped in the third quarter.' 

This is great news for Apple as often the phone of choice today is iPhone vs. Blackberry, the failure made it clear for consumers considering buying a phone at the time which was best... the iPhone because its services hadn't failed on a global scale.

However, in this unpredictable economic climate there is no telling what could happen in the fast approaching 2012, maybe Blackberry will pull it out of the bag, or Apple may make a fatal mistake...

Blast from the past... 
1st Generation iPods that were sold between September 2005 and December 2006, which first began Apple's success story in the portable digital music world, are now being swapped over fears the batteries may catch fire. 'Apple sold just over 60m iPods in total' over the year and 3 month period mentioned above, and they are now offering a swap service.  Fortunately for Apple, it is likely that a lot of people who bought those 60 million iPods 5 years ago have long disposed of, or lost, the item.  It is unlikely that many people will hear, or take interest in this information due to its age and so there will probably be a minimal effect on the company.  Other large suppliers such as Sony have experienced similar issues over the years with laptop batteries, but it seems to be the way that the problem is dealt with that makes the difference.  Offering a swap service is a fairly good deal and probably just a drop in the ocean of lost dosh for Apple to keep future sales up.  The swap service is unfortunately not for the latest model, but a replacement 1st Generation pod and through not actually officially recalling the item has probably kept the bad attention away from the company.

Oh wow... Apple are looking to create a new product... a television that when you shout at it... it responds?! Personally, this doesn't sound so great in my house... swearing at the telly while the football's on and maybe the tv will follow the commands and turn off... or maybe, it will just walk out of the house.  Maybe not.  But who knows!

Anyways, if Apple were to succeed with these plans the tv market could go crazy in an attempt to compete, lets face it, every other market it's in at the moment is succeeding or becoming more successful by the day, Sharp is likely to manufacture it after working with Apple to create better screens for the new gen of Apple products! But, there may not be reason to fear for the other TV companies, as Apple's last attempt to make money from the TV market was a slight failure (in comparison to other products!) 'Apple TV, introduced in 2007, is a box that can store video and connect the TV to the internet or to the laptop to view photos. However, its latest model is thought to have sold no more than 2m units, compared to 40m iPads since March 2010.'

It has been suggested that the TV's would use LCD screens, which seems a strange choice for the technologically advanced company with LED screens and even 3D TV's becoming the best choice for quality picture.  However, this is unconfirmed by Apple.

It is likely that this move is also to attempt to be at a level, or ahead of the Korean company Samsung, who's TV's already have internet access built in and whose phones are also beginning to threaten Apple's success! Samsung is clearly a major competitor for the giant American company, because there are a reported '20 court cases around the world' over patents.

If the plans do go ahead, it will be very interesting to see its success, is the TV market ready for Apple, will people think it is going a little far? Only time will tell. 

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Apple Mac getting bigger and bigger!
More and more people seem to be wanting the ownership of an Apple Mac computer! My boyfriend unfortunately is one of them- the day he gets one and shuts up about wanting it will be a happy one!

But, on a more global scale, Apple is taking hold in the Chinese market! It is reported that 21% of Chinese people now want to invest in an Apple Mac, with 5% of these already having ownership of one.  People are reportedly choosing Mac's over some of their own Chinese brads such as Lenovo.  Clearly the different operating system- which seems to be the real deal breaker in the UK- doesn't scare the Chinese! The response of Apple Macs OS for non-users is often fear, fear of using the product which, according to regular users, is much simpler.

Now that computers have been around rather successfully for around the past 10 years, people finally seem to be getting to grips with, generally the Windows OS, people are rather apprehensive about making that change.  I am, as yet, one of those who wouldn't really know where to start, I know that there are some very cool multi-touch gestures which I could manage... but beyond that, so far... I'm not too sure!

However, we all seem to have forgotten first getting to grips with a Windows computer, which can't have been that long ago! And, as with any computer or software, trial and error is often the best policy!  But us Brits, and probably many others across the World, like to stick to what we know and not take the plunge! Just like how people are still using a now rather old Windows XP!

Maybe one day, Apple will take over the World, and we will never escape it! But... that's a bit eccentric, so for now, we'll just conclude this with saying the Apple is still becoming more and more successful every week!

Monday 31 October 2011

Oh dear.

So, unsurprisingly it seems that the new iPhone is too clever for it's own good at the moment!
Users appear to be complaining about the battery life of the new iPhone 4S, and have been forced to find 'sensible battery life management practices.'  Of course, these include very simple ideas, such as switching off the wifi when not in use or lowering the screen brightness.  Sooo in other words, the battery life is surely outweighing the benefits at the moment if we can't choose the simple things?!  Of course, all new technology is bound to have issues when it's first launched, and when you look at the speed that these things seem to be knocked out at the moment, it's hardly surprising!

However it does seem that Apple's vision is very clear, and that is perhaps what saves them from too many bad feelings from their users.  For example, the iPhone 4 had some serious design faults to begin with.
Users were losing signal when their phone was in their excited little palms! Pretty stupid of Apple eh? Well, it seemed that didn't matter too much after the issue was dealt with and all was well in the Apple world once again!

Now, although it seems Apple are fairly indestructible (at least at the moment!) perhaps we should feel that Apple on these two occasions have been rather too eager to get a new product out on the somewhat crowded market of mobile phones!? If Apple focused more on testing their products then these issues will be easier to solve before everyone rushes out and drops everything to get their hands on a new piece of shiny plastic!! (It seems it's cool to be dedicated to Apple these days... I probably wouldn't be so bitter if I could actually afford an iPhone but that's another story!)

All this said though... could Apple be starting to falter? ... More to follow!

Monday 17 October 2011

The iPhone 4s The latest iPhone, released last Friday (14/10/2011), is the iPhone 4s and it now has the ability to understand speech and answer questions?! Is it getting to the stage where instead of categorising smart phones as computers, we should start the transition to robots? I wonder if there will be a hoover app any time soon?! Or maybe some way for our phones to do our washing up- that would be much appreciated by the way Apple! (Pretty please?) Anyways, this new friend built into the iPhone 4s is possible because of the new 'Siri' software, which is a personal assistant to help users with almost anything apparently.  The software is built for those of us (most of us) who like to test automated answering systems and can apparently even answer 'Will you marry me?'

Today it was revealed that this (being probably the biggest software change) is very popular with Apple lovers and newbies alike as today it was revealed that Apple has sold 'more than 4m of its new iPhone 4s smart phones.' This has, unsurprisingly, broken records of sales within the market, showing that Apple are still ahead in the market, despite Blackberry's desperate attempts to steal the limelight.  Blackberry of course were very unfortunate in the timing of their huge service failure that affected their global services! An article today suggests that as well as obviously the iPhone 4s, phones running Google's Android operating system may have benefited as a result of the service failure.  Humorously, it is claimed that during the time Blackberry's service went down ' crashes declined by 20 percent in Dubai and 40 percent in Abu Dhabi' supoosedly due to people not being distracted by their Blackberry smart phones.

Overall then, I think it is very clear that Apple are still moving forward, and at an astonishing rate! But will it always be the case of them being ahead of the rest?! Currently that looks highly likely, but the rate things happen at today, who can say?! More to follow on Apple's products! :)

Sunday 16 October 2011

Thank you Steve Jobs!

I can't possibly write a blog about Apple without commenting on the very sad passing of the man who made it all happen. Of course by this, I mean Steve Jobs. 

From 1955 to 2011, he clearly set out to make a difference... and he most DEFINITELY succeeded! It has been said that Mr Jobs was a man who was very hard in ways, that people were given one chance and if they failed, it was too late.  If this is true, then it seems pretty understandable! If you had a company with as many customers as Apple, you probably wouldn't want the backlog on dealing with all of those issues!

Anyways, Apple's short words, which I am sure do not justify his success, are very kind and warming and it is so very sad that we have lost such an amazing man, who has made such an amazing difference.  

Thank you Steve Jobs.

The blog!! :)

This blog is intended to follow the ups and downs and new products of Apple! It will highlight news stories and even perhaps the 'goss' on what's next for the market leader for so many industries! :) Enjoy!