Tuesday 15 November 2011

Apple Mac getting bigger and bigger!

More and more people seem to be wanting the ownership of an Apple Mac computer! My boyfriend unfortunately is one of them- the day he gets one and shuts up about wanting it will be a happy one!

But, on a more global scale, Apple is taking hold in the Chinese market! It is reported that 21% of Chinese people now want to invest in an Apple Mac, with 5% of these already having ownership of one.  People are reportedly choosing Mac's over some of their own Chinese brads such as Lenovo.  Clearly the different operating system- which seems to be the real deal breaker in the UK- doesn't scare the Chinese! The response of Apple Macs OS for non-users is often fear, fear of using the product which, according to regular users, is much simpler.

Now that computers have been around rather successfully for around the past 10 years, people finally seem to be getting to grips with, generally the Windows OS, people are rather apprehensive about making that change.  I am, as yet, one of those who wouldn't really know where to start, I know that there are some very cool multi-touch gestures which I could manage... but beyond that, so far... I'm not too sure!

However, we all seem to have forgotten first getting to grips with a Windows computer, which can't have been that long ago! And, as with any computer or software, trial and error is often the best policy!  But us Brits, and probably many others across the World, like to stick to what we know and not take the plunge! Just like how people are still using a now rather old Windows XP!

Maybe one day, Apple will take over the World, and we will never escape it! But... that's a bit eccentric, so for now, we'll just conclude this with saying the Apple is still becoming more and more successful every week!